WHO ARE THE LADS? The Lads is a music ministry for kids and families. Our aim is to reach and teach this new generation about God using music, live concerts, videos, curriculum and even a TV show. The Lads also produce the kids worship series Big Big Worship.
Q. WHERE ARE THE LADS? After the 13 years in the USA, in August 2018 The Lads are relocating back to their homeland of New Zealand where they will continue their ministry with young people but also be able to eat more steak and cheese pies.
Q. WHEN AND WHY DID YOU START WORKING WITH KIDS AND FAMILIES? In 2005 we relocated to Nashville, TN. Soon after we arrived we felt like God was directing us to change the focus of our ministry towards kids and families. Initially we were skeptical, we already loved what we were doing and weren’t looking to change. But we followed God’s leading (tentatively) and found ourselves leading worship at a Vacation Bible School in Houston, TX. We loved it! In the years that have followed our passion to impact the next generation has only grown. We are continually adapting our methods but the core message remains the same: Jesus is the only way to life.
Q. WHAT KINDS OF THINGS DO YOU DO? We serve local churches. What does that look like? We lead worship at Vacation Bible School, we teach and speak at kids camps and discipleship weekends, we lead Sunday worship services. We also produce a kids worship resource called Big Big Worship. Our aim is to minister to kids and families and share the gospel in any way that we can!
Q. HOW DO I CONTACT THE LADS? We’d love to hear from you, simply send us an email (email form at the bottom of the page) and we’ll talk